Delhi BJP president Virendra Sachdeva and party candidate from the Timarpur seat, Surya Prakash Khatri, on Saturday claimed to have exposed an alleged conspiracy by AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal to push women in the national capital towards cybercrime risks by fraudulently collecting personal data through fake ‘Women’s Honour Forms.’
The BJP leaders demanded Kejriwal’s immediate resignation from the post of party’s national convener, revealing that someone had allegedly sold around 30,000 ‘Women’s Honour Forms’ to a scrap dealer in Timarpur.
The Delhi BJP chief asserted that these forms contained the personal data of women from underprivileged backgrounds, which is now accessible to the public, claiming that it could increase the risk of digital crimes.
Sachdeva expressed concern that similar forms might have been used across all the 70 Delhi Assembly constituencies, posing a potential threat of cybercrime to lakhs of women.
He stated that the recovered forms contained sensitive personal information, including Aadhaar cards, mobile numbers, PAN cards, voter IDs, and original photographs.
“By selling these forms to scrap dealers for a small amount of money, AAP leaders have proven that this scheme was as fraudulent as other schemes of Arvind Kejriwal,” remarked Sachdeva.
Displaying the recovered forms, the BJP leader accused Kejriwal of allegedly endangering Delhi’s women and vowed to hand over all documents to the Delhi Police Commissioner for an investigation, and added that he is going to demand strict action against those found responsible.
Delhi BJP media chief Praveen Shankar Kapoor, who coordinated the press conference, said, “The discovery of the forms at a scrap dealer’s shop demonstrates the humanity of the poor dealer while making it clear that Arvind Kejriwal has left no one in Delhi untouched by his deceit.”